Monday, 9 April 2012

Happiness (test)

Hey  guys 

Here is a little test on your happiness level by Dr. Theo Lentz.
Doctor Lentz largest researches was done about happiness.

This questionnaire based on the dedication of  him who was the former director of  the character  research in association st.Louis ,Missouri.

so lets get started.

1. I cease to enjoy a game when i'm loosing badly.True/ False

2. I enjoy a jock when it's on me .True/ False

3. I am pleased when a friend receives a praise in my presence.True/ False

4. If someone cuts in front of me in a line , I openly object to it.True/ False

5. I get easily  bored by  hobbies .True/ False

6. I daydream oftenTrue/ False

7. I wish for many things.True/ False

8 I'm too fat.True/ False

9. I enjoy reading fiction. True/ False

10. I hate sleeping.True/ False

11. I think I'm attractive.True/ False

12. I take criticism well.True/ False

Calculation rates:

Score one on each answer similar to the following rates.

1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. False 6. False 7. False 8. False 9. True 10.False 11. True 12. True

Score 9-12: compare to many other people you are a very happy person.  you balanced between the life you expect and what you have. Persons with high scores like you , enjoy a good balanced social are peoples favourite because you follow the policy of "live and let live"

Score 5-8: You have your ups and downs. But in most cases you are happy in a form of balanced and moderate life. You are not enthusiastically burning in changing your life. It could be better if you socialise with the people happier than you.

Score 4-0: You're far more happier than this. Review your answers. Try to see what you could do to be a better you.

source: health news

For more information read next 12 notes.
1.  wrong. happy person, even if they loose something, still love themselves. they know that they have other desirable and admirable features, and by relying on them they build a right positive image.
2. True. Happy people are more easily able to laugh at themselves, because of their own positive image . They do not take themselves too seriously.
3. True. Empathic approach is another characteristic of these people. they feel good enough that they wont grudge on others success.
4 .wrong. A Happy person can easier tolerate with other people's misbehaviour .
5.wrong. They have enough flexibility with someone who they are not pleased and happy with. They simply will not be disappointed.  they can tolerate the discomfort , to eventually reach their goals.
6.wrong. Happy person wouldn't fall into dreams to compensate his lack of advantage.
7. wrong. Happy people don't have many wishes but they are satisfied with what they have.
8. wrong. If  you feel happy, you don't over indulge in anything. people who eat  a lot often do not feel happy.
9.True. Happy people are flexible enough to get away from reality and enjoy the others  imagination .
10. Wrong. The reason is not clear, but happy people sleep more easily.It might be because they feel that they might get the pleasant experience by sleeping later.
11. Right. Happy people accept themselves, they do not talk in his own curse. unhappy people often have a bad physical image and have negative thoughts about themselves.
12. Right.  when happy people's impediment are exposed,they don't see themselves less than what they are. They can accept criticism without being defensive. 

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